The recovery of properties and places (villages) to create a Holiday Homes system that allows you to fully experience the area.
Join the project now!
Are you interested in a simple and economical way to become a co-owner of a holiday home in Calabria?
That does not involve legal bureaucracy, coordination of architects and builders or the hassles of property management?
Let us know your interest by clicking on the button below or write to us at or via WhatsApp at 3484469711
The project:
Many people, especially foreigners, are buying small buildings in historic centers to renovate them and make holiday homes.
Unlike many Italian towns that have suffered depopulation over the past century, Guardavalle retains multiple shops, restaurants and businesses, an active local council, superfast fibre broadband and over 4000 inhabitants, and is one of Calabria’s most thriving destination cities for festivals and concerts celebrating local traditions, arts/crafts and music.
While Guardavalle’s population decline is very low compared to many towns in the region, it has still resulted in a number of architecturally significant, yet abandoned buildings in the characterful historic centre.
Many people who have dreamed of owning a house in Italy and have been lured by the gimmick sales offers of €1 houses, only to find out that the real cost of rebuilding and restoring such properties comes with extra constraints leading to significant building and administrative costs, not to mention the nightmare of tracing emigrant owners of neighbouring properties when structural issues arise.
In summary:
Holiday Homes through the recovery of some buildings, especially adjacent to each other, to overcome the many critical issues that characterize them, including those linked to the contiguity and management of the spaces. These facilities, inserted in a network circuit, will provide users with all the hospitality services organized and integrated with the territory, thus allowing guests to fully enjoy their stay, including the organization of transfers and support from arrival to departure.

“Participate in the growth of a territory by experiencing it and enjoying the many products it offers”

A territory rich in history, land of ancient Greek colonies, with many beaches still devoid of any urban structure, natural areas

Il recupero di immobili e di luoghi (borghi) per creare un sistema di ospitalità diffusa che permetta di vivere pienamente il territorio.
Molte persone, soprattutto stranieri, stanno acquistando piccoli fabbricati nei centri storici per ristrutturarli e farci case per le vacanze
Ma questo comporta un impegno organizzativo e finanziario importante e a fronte della soddisfazione di avere una casa di proprietà, c’è poi l’impegno di avere, appunto, una seconda casa e degli oneri fiscali e di manutenzione. Impegni che, molto spesso, non giustificano il limitato utilizzo che se ne fa.
Non meno importante è il fatto che anche avendo una propria casa per le vacanze, permane la criticità più importante: quella della scarsa presenza di servizi e circuiti che permettono di vivere senza difficoltà il territorio e ciò che offre.
Questo progetto, grazie alla Rete di imprese agrituristiche e recettive su cui può fare riferimento, crea un grande circuito di ospitalità diffusa che permette a chi investe di vivere totalmente la Calabria.
In sintesi:
Ospitalità diffusa attraverso il recupero di alcuni fabbricati, soprattutto adiacenti tra loro, per superare le tante criticità che li caratterizzano, tra cui quelle legate alla contiguità e alla gestione degli spazi. Queste strutture, inserite in un circuito di rete, diventeranno una sorta di albergo diffuso, fornendo ai fruitori tutti i servizi di ospitalità organizzata e integrata con il territorio, permettendo così agli ospiti di godersi a pieno la loro permanenza, offrendo loro tutti i servizi di cui vogliono usufruire, compreso l’organizzazione delle trasferte e fruizione del territorio dall’arrivo fino alla partenza.
Come prtecipare al progetto:
conferendo dei fabbricati che si trovano nel centro storico di Guardavalle, il cui valore verrà calcolato come quota di adesione al progetto, e/o sottoscrivendo delle quote della società attraverso l’equity-crowdfunding
Raggiungendo un obiettivo base di raccolta pari a 220.000 di euro, si potranno acquistare e ristrutturare almeno 6 case che potranno essere utilizzate sia dagli stessi aderenti al progetto, usufruendo di un certo numero di giorni di utilizzo all’anno in base a quanto hanno investito, che inserendoli in un circuito di ospitalità diffusa che permetterà di ospitare turisti e persone che voglono lavorare in qsmart-working.
L’obiettivo è arrivare a raccogliere 1.000.000 euro per realizzare ca. 35 case
The recovery of properties and places (villages) to create a widespread hospitality system that allows you to fully experience the area.
Many people, especially foreigners, are buying small buildings in historic centers to renovate them and make holiday homes
But this involves an important organizational and financial commitment and compared to the satisfaction of owning a home, there is then the commitment of having a second home and tax and maintenance costs. Commitments which, very often, do not justify the limited use made of them.
No less important is the fact that even having your own holiday home, the most important critical issue remains: that of the lack of services and circuits that allow you to experience the area and what it offers without difficulty.
This project, thanks to the network of agritourism and hospitality businesses on which it can refer, creates a large widespread hospitality circuit that allows those who invest to fully experience Calabria.
In summary:
Widespread hospitality through the recovery of some buildings, especially adjacent to each other, to overcome the many critical issues that characterize them, including those linked to the contiguity and management of the spaces. These structures, inserted in a network circuit, will become a sort of widespread hotel, providing users with all the hospitality services organized and integrated with the territory, thus allowing guests to fully enjoy their stay, offering them all the services of which they want to use, including the organization of travel and use of the area from arrival to departure.
How to participate in the project:
by conferring buildings located in the historic center of Guardavalle, the value of which will be calculated as a participation fee in the project, and/or by subscribing to shares of the company through equity crowdfunding
By reaching a basic collection target of 220,000 euros, it will be possible to purchase and renovate at least 6 houses which can be used both by those participating in the project, taking advantage of a certain number of days of use per year based on how much they have invested, and by inserting them into a widespread hospitality circuit that will allow us to host tourists and people who want to work in qsmart-working.
The goal is to raise 1,000,000 euros to create approx. 35 houses
“Partecipare alla crescita di un territorio vivendolo e gustando i tanti prodotti che offre“
“Participate in the growth of an area by living it and enjoying the many products it offers“

Un territorio ricco di storia, terra di antiche colonie greche, con tantissime spiagge ancora prive di qualsiasi struttura urbana, aree naturali.
A territory rich in history, land of ancient Greek colonies, with many beaches still devoid of any urban structure, natural areas.